Zeus eDSU

ZEUS eDSU is a system for streamlining the maintenance process of railroad vehicles, allowing the management of inspection and repair work. The user, i.e. the maintenance department, vehicle manufacturer or vehicle operator, communicates with the system via the e-DSU MA application. It is accessible from a web browser. In addition to information about upcoming and currently performed maintenance and repair work, the full service history of the vehicle can also be found there.
Functions of the eDSU system
- Delegation of tasks – the service department can create a schedule of maintenance work, and then assign its execution to groups or by name to an employee.
- Approval of activities – activities already performed can be approved both from on board the vehicle and remotely (via computer, smartphone, tablet).
- Quick response to faults – alarms signaling a fault in the vehicle automatically generate tasks that are assigned to specific departments/employees. They can react faster and fix the problem.
- Vehicle status icons – there are special icons/ pictograms on the driver’s terminal that illustrate the service status of the vehicle in real time. The operator immediately knows if the vehicle is fit for operation.
- Ability to view the entire fleet from one place – this improves management and scheduling of maintenance work.
- E-mail notifications – e-mails are sent to the user reminding him of the service work, the assignment of the user to perform the task and the current status of the vehicle.
- Statistics and reports – at the customer’s request, the system can collect, among other things, data on the number and type of activities performed and their location (based on GPS data). This data is presented in the form of a chart or table.
- Integration with external documentation – other files related to the vehicle can be added to the system, such as technical drawings, instructions and videos.